Tag Archives: gold coast

Today is the Day :: The Yoga Continues…

22 Mar


Today is the Day.  I wake up every morning and say aloud ‘today is going to be a great day’.  A few years back I made the decision to say this every day. Often it’s quietly spoken and I also make myself smile and be thankful for the things I have and have experienced rather than look at what I am missing out on or not achieving.  Some days are easier of course than others.  I can honestly say, it has helped me through some tough times and reminded me to appreciate my every day.

Balance. That thing so many of us strive for in life, and the one thing that can be so hard to achieve if we don’t simply stop at some stage each day to reflect on the beauty of the world and breathe.  I always find watching birds flying is so good to make you feel balanced.  It can take five minutes, but you will feel a sense of weightlessness – just as the bird looks as it is flying. If things are so busy and I don’t find time for myself to get that balance, I try and take the time to stop and watch the birds – or close my eyes if there are no birds around and imagine, being a bird, flying up high, soaring and feeling the wind in my wings, watching the world below.  It always help and makes me feel like some of the weight has been taken off my shoulders.


Images: (top) Today is the Day :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood / (below) Balance :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood – both will be for sale through the Golden Yoga studio – 3/1712 Gold Coast Highway, Burleigh Heads QLD.



The Calm :: A Yoga Series of Peace and Balance

20 Mar


The Calm.  The moment of peace and balance in your life. White light, no clutter, just calm.  All those voices in your head are quiet, they have disappeared to another place, released and have left you in silence.  

My latest project with Golden Yoga in Burleigh Heads on the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia has really opened my mind to a new inspiration.  The dots have always been my meditation and how I work through my thoughts, releasing emotions with each dot I paint.  Having another source now in yoga is a wonderful feeling.  

Owner of Golden Yoga, Melanie Commons kindly invited me to do some artwork in her new studio space – a blank canvas (in this case walls!) and a new energy to be created in there it was such an honour to be asked to put my piece of harmony permanently in there for all to enjoy.  

My process is always the same when I work on a new concept for an artwork or art series.  I immerse myself in the subject and in this case, also the space.  I spent time in the studio and it’s surrounds, listening to the sounds of the outside world as well as the quiet of the studio space.  I walked around, feeling the dimensions of the walls, the height of ceiling and imagined walking in from every angle, putting myself in different positions allowing myself to imagine being in there, practicing yoga and what it is that I would want to see, what it is I would want to take away from that experience.  I wanted to create a reminder of the practice, using silhouettes to keep it free of clutter; and text – the words Melanie gave me to draw inspiration from. I wanted it to have my handwriting, my style, yet keep it in the yoga world and represent a certain calm beauty that is everywhere you look but doesn’t invade your personal space.

The studio project inspired me to do a series of works on canvas and ply wood (see image above title ‘The Calm’) which will be displayed and for sale through the yoga studio.  The solid silhouette chosen for peace and calm – one colour as we are feeling as one; the three orange circles representing balance and the dots to represent energy surrounding you in this calm. I am currently working on a series of six on ply wood in 25cm x 25cm, all with different yoga poses, all representing calm, strength, inner peace and harmony.  The Calm is the first in this series.

The yoga studio is due to open this week and once the rest of the space is finished I will share the photos so you can see the artwork and the beautiful space that has been created.  Melanie is a fantastic yoga teacher and I have started taking one on one classes with her which I am thoroughly enjoying.  I am quite shy in certain environments, yoga being one of them.  It is wonderful to be gaining confidence so I can really enjoy this practice that is truly calming and energising at the same time.

Golden Yoga opens to the public on Wednesday 21 March, 2012 at 3/1712 Gold Coast Hwy, Burleigh Heads – (Level 1 of the new Globe Building). For more information and a timetable of classes click on link here to go to the Golden Yoga website.  I hope to see you there some time in the future xo

What a Year the Cat Meowed! (and How I Love Colombia!)

26 Dec

Leia the Cat :: Pencil, ink, markers & gouache on canvas paper

2011… what can I say?  It’s been an interesting year with some life changing experiences that I will never forget.  This year I wanted to learn. And learn I did! I painted more than I have painted before.  I created some of my favourite pieces and sold out of most of my works – both older works and nearly all of my new works from 2011.  And I have a busy schedule ahead for 2012, a year that is going to be a big one, my biggest yet!

I was completely inspired and fell in love with Colombia and in particular beautiful Cartagena.  My first visit to South America and a dream since I was a little girl.  I was so moved by the culture, the architecture, the people, the music, the food, the atmosphere – what an experience.  Life changing doesn’t even begin to explain how wonderful it was.

2012 is going to be wonderful… with all I have learnt and experienced in 2011… it’s only up from here!

Romance of New

31 Oct

Sarah Crawford :: It Ended in Tears :: Acrylic on ply wood


How appropriate it is sometimes… that it all ended in tears… and then it is time for change because it can’t be denied anymore… and you look at the romance of new… of fresh beginnings and a time to explore… and this moment I find I am in over and over is my sign to remind me of what is important… of what makes my laughter my life… decisions… decisions…

Sarah Crawford :: This Moment :: Acrylic on ply wood


Sarah Crawford :: Romance of New :: Acrylic on ply wood


Sarah Crawford :: Decisions :: Acrylic on ply wood

Picturesque… A Moment in Time

19 Oct

Sarah Crawford :: 'Picturesque' :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood

Reflection… and how you want to capture that moment in time that is so beautiful… that is picturesque.  That moment can be as simple as realising that the only thing holding you back is yourself.  When you are stripped back to nothing to find yourself wanting to step forward and take on the world… live your dreams and show the world you are not afraid.

That picturesque moment when that moment in time is so beautiful.  You know you can achieve your dreams xo

Wide Eyed and Willing

5 Oct

Sarah Crawford :: Together We Travel ::30.5m x 41cm : Acrylic on canvas

I remember a time feeling so free, vulnerable yet free.  When I had less but I had so much more.  I remember the sun was always shining.  The ocean was a constant companion.  Music was my inspiration.  Learning in new surroundings, full of wide eyes.  I remember it as the good life.  Days filled with pretty dresses so bright it made me smile. A girl on the verge of a world she knew little about.  It was like a retreat, a dream.  I felt like Little Miss Sunshine, with poetry on my mind and the belief that romance is not dead.  I was reaching for the stars, because I believe we are made to reach for the stars.  And all those little extras that define your style.  Our future.  Love, love LOVE.

I reminded myself each day with a few words from Walt Disney… “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”.

Red Hot Love in a Ray of Light

24 Aug

Sarah Crawford :: Ray of Light :: Mixed media illustration and collage

Passion is such a powerful force. I try to find it in my every day.  Passion for life.  Passion for love.  Passion for my art.  Passion for living.  Like a ray of light you see, so strong it pushes away the doubt, the insecurities, the fear and the negativity.  It makes you smile.  It helps you say to yourself each day as you wake that the day will be special.  The ray of light keeps reminding you of how lucky you are each night as you fall to sleep.  It shows you in so many things the beauty and gives you a red hot love for life.

Sarah Crawford :: Red Hot Love :: Mixed media illustration and collage

Perception… A Nude… So Simple

20 Aug

Sarah Crawford :: Perception :: Acrylic on Canvas

I love the simplicity of colour blocking and I love black and white and grey.  I love the contrast between solid black and white – and the black dots on the silver in this piece.  It’s like an optical illusion.  From far away it looks solid where the dots are but the closer you get you realise it’s actually quite detailed.  The perception of a simple piece that is in fact quite detailed.

… while you think you have me all figured out – like I am all black and white and a shade of grey…. what you fail to see is the complexity that makes me so special and very unique… you think I am simple and not worthy of you attention… that I am 1+1=2, black + white = grey… when if you actually opened your eyes and came a little closer you would see your perception of me is all wrong… there is so much more than you realise, right in front of you… I only smile at this because I realise that you will see my beauty… but only when it’s once again far away, out of your reach… and you will wonder how you missed seeing that beauty of detail when it was right in front of you…


Contemplation at Gainsborough Greens Art Awards

13 Aug

Sarah Crawford with 'Contemplation' painting at the Gainsborough Greens Art Awards Exhibition 2011

I always get so excited when I am going to see my artwork in an exhibition – but then I get completely shy when I have my photo taken next to it!  Today I went out the Gainsborough Greens Art Awards  and Exhibition to see my painting ‘Contemplation’ that was selected for display.  I don’t think I realised just how big the work was (and how many dots were on the canvas!) until I saw this photo!  The winner was announced last night at the official exhibition opening and it is the horse just to the right of my piece (behind my head!) so I’m sure to have lots of viewers over the 5 days of the exhibition with such a great position.  I was at the Miami Marketta with my art stand so couldn’t make it to the opening but was great to be able to see it today – and it was such a beautiful day to visit the Gainsborough Greens development.

If you get the chance and you are on the Gold Coast – there are some great artworks out there – and I got to see some kangaroos so was rather pleased!

Sarah xo

Gainsborough Greens Art Awards 2011

‘Contemplation’ is on display as part of  the
Gainsborough Greens Art Awards and Exhibition
Thursday 11 August to Monday 15 August
10am – 5pm daily
Gainsborough Greens Golf Club
Yawalpa Rd, Pimpama QLD


Love with Passion, Live with Passion

10 Aug

Sarah Crawford :: Contemplation :: Acrylic on canvas :: 150cm x 100cm

There are some things in life that you achieve quickly and others that take longer and you wonder if you’ll ever get there.  Each little dot in this painting had a thought go into it.  A reminder to myself of life.  The painting is 150cm high x 100cm wide.  And not to forget the edges – 10cm on each side.  So many dots!  Each dot is placed carefully onto the canvas, raised to a point.  Each dot requires a dip into the paint before it goes onto the canvas to get the texture I am after.  A photograph never really shows the detail – or the size of the artwork. 

There were times when I was painting and putting dot after dot onto canvas, where I cried, not from sadness but from realisation that I had to wait longer to get to where I wanted – in this instance, to finish!  Towards the end in the past few weeks, I finished this painting, and the feeling was of satisfaction.  I felt so proud.  It represented a whole lot more to me than just a painting finished.  It represented persistence.  In believing in your dreams.  In not giving up (and trust me, there were times I wanted to – there are hundreds of hours of dots in there!) and trusting your instincts. 
So many lessons I have learnt over the time painting ‘Contemplation’.  A self portrait on so many levels.   Keeping the passion alive and reaching for your dreams, willing to be humbled and at times, feel humiliated by others indifference and lack of interest is all part of the process.  The ability to overcome rejection, to keep the belief in what I am doing.  And to know that the most important thing is that I continue to live my life with passion, love each day – and love with passion, love each moment and keep on seeing the hope and beauty in everything – because that is who I am.
Sarah Crawford :: Contemplation :: (Side view 1)
Sarah Crawford :: Contemplation :: (Side view 2)
‘Contemplation’ is on display as part of  the
Gainsborough Greens Art Awards and Exhibition
Thursday 11 August to Monday 15 August
10am – 5pm daily
Gainsborough Greens Golf Club
Yawalpa Rd, Pimpama QLD