Tag Archives: cartagena

The Countdown: Colombia and a Passion for Life

14 Mar

Sarah Crawford :: The Countdown :: 32cm x 32cm :: Acrylic on canvas

It’s been a quiet time for my artwork since returning from Colombia.  I’ve been busy, yes, definitely there is that.  I also had that feeling after those amazing trips when you wonder where your place is in the world.  You don’t feel as inspired by your surrounds because you have just returned from something so different, so spectacular and life changing that you can’t imagine going back to the life you once had.  The things before you went away that you were unhappy with are magnified ten times over.  A million times over.  You wonder how you let them stay in your life.  Maybe because you were in the countdown.  The countdown to the dream holiday.  You can put up with so much when you know you have something wonderful to look forward to.

So when you return, there is no countdown.  It has dissolved.  Gone.  You have your memories of a world that was fun, where you smiled each day, laughed, experienced the new, explored and loved every moment.  There were no pressures.  You did what made you happy, each day was about living for joy, making the most of it all and capturing moments so you can hold onto them forever.  You felt a warmth in your heart because you are feeling passion for life, you are living.

The few months after returning from this trip I found it hard to paint.  My surrounds and my life were no longer inspiring me in the same way.  I wasn’t feeling that same passion I had experienced.  So it became a quiet time for my creations.  Trying out new techniques, sketching up new ideas.  Nothing really filling my heart with a sense of love.

It took me two months to make big changes to find that passion for life, for creating.  And another month to really start feeling myself again.  My trip to Colombia changed my life.  It was everything I had dreamed of and more.  It left me with a sense of happiness but also the urge to be there once more.  So I now have made my own countdown.  It doesn’t have any number of days just a knowledge that someday I would be back there, in Cartagena, listening to the music, laughing and happy, in awe of a culture that is so spectacular and rich in history. And now, I am sitting here, full of passion for life, and in what I do.  I am on my new adventure with no idea what will come next other than something fresh.  Something new and before I know it the countdown of days will be on again to go back to Cartagena.  But for now, I paint and have new ideas, am finding inspirations in so many places – and dreaming of relaxing in a hammock in the not too distant future.

Sarah xo

The painting ‘The Countdown’ is the first for me in 2012 and is part of series of the same name.  It represents the need for passion in life and of living each day with hope and happiness and believing there is a countdown to something even more spectacular to look forward to.

Click here to view this artwork and more at www.sarahcrawford.com.au

What a Year the Cat Meowed! (and How I Love Colombia!)

26 Dec

Leia the Cat :: Pencil, ink, markers & gouache on canvas paper

2011… what can I say?  It’s been an interesting year with some life changing experiences that I will never forget.  This year I wanted to learn. And learn I did! I painted more than I have painted before.  I created some of my favourite pieces and sold out of most of my works – both older works and nearly all of my new works from 2011.  And I have a busy schedule ahead for 2012, a year that is going to be a big one, my biggest yet!

I was completely inspired and fell in love with Colombia and in particular beautiful Cartagena.  My first visit to South America and a dream since I was a little girl.  I was so moved by the culture, the architecture, the people, the music, the food, the atmosphere – what an experience.  Life changing doesn’t even begin to explain how wonderful it was.

2012 is going to be wonderful… with all I have learnt and experienced in 2011… it’s only up from here!

New Beginnings on a Lazy Day

15 Oct

Sarah Crawford :: New Beginnings :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood


New Beginnings.  Some small, some big.  So much to be excited about.  So many opportunities, so much progress.  I find myself appreciating every moment in life more than ever before.  Savouring the moments of feeling the fresh air on my skin.  I dream of a lazy day, the breeze in my hair, lying in a hammock under trees by the ocean, the sun on my skin, in a place I have never been.  Each day I know that the day is closer for my lazy day.  The reward for all the dedication and love put into my every day.   A lazy day to reflect and smile. To think of the beauty of the past and the prospect of a beautiful future.   I will have my one lazy day in Colombia, my dream since I was a young girl, studying the map of South America.  Not long now.  I can count the days until I am there.

Sarah Crawford :: Lazy Day :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood