Tag Archives: OpArt

New Beginnings on a Lazy Day

15 Oct

Sarah Crawford :: New Beginnings :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood


New Beginnings.  Some small, some big.  So much to be excited about.  So many opportunities, so much progress.  I find myself appreciating every moment in life more than ever before.  Savouring the moments of feeling the fresh air on my skin.  I dream of a lazy day, the breeze in my hair, lying in a hammock under trees by the ocean, the sun on my skin, in a place I have never been.  Each day I know that the day is closer for my lazy day.  The reward for all the dedication and love put into my every day.   A lazy day to reflect and smile. To think of the beauty of the past and the prospect of a beautiful future.   I will have my one lazy day in Colombia, my dream since I was a young girl, studying the map of South America.  Not long now.  I can count the days until I am there.

Sarah Crawford :: Lazy Day :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood