The Calm :: A Yoga Series of Peace and Balance

20 Mar


The Calm.  The moment of peace and balance in your life. White light, no clutter, just calm.  All those voices in your head are quiet, they have disappeared to another place, released and have left you in silence.  

My latest project with Golden Yoga in Burleigh Heads on the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia has really opened my mind to a new inspiration.  The dots have always been my meditation and how I work through my thoughts, releasing emotions with each dot I paint.  Having another source now in yoga is a wonderful feeling.  

Owner of Golden Yoga, Melanie Commons kindly invited me to do some artwork in her new studio space – a blank canvas (in this case walls!) and a new energy to be created in there it was such an honour to be asked to put my piece of harmony permanently in there for all to enjoy.  

My process is always the same when I work on a new concept for an artwork or art series.  I immerse myself in the subject and in this case, also the space.  I spent time in the studio and it’s surrounds, listening to the sounds of the outside world as well as the quiet of the studio space.  I walked around, feeling the dimensions of the walls, the height of ceiling and imagined walking in from every angle, putting myself in different positions allowing myself to imagine being in there, practicing yoga and what it is that I would want to see, what it is I would want to take away from that experience.  I wanted to create a reminder of the practice, using silhouettes to keep it free of clutter; and text – the words Melanie gave me to draw inspiration from. I wanted it to have my handwriting, my style, yet keep it in the yoga world and represent a certain calm beauty that is everywhere you look but doesn’t invade your personal space.

The studio project inspired me to do a series of works on canvas and ply wood (see image above title ‘The Calm’) which will be displayed and for sale through the yoga studio.  The solid silhouette chosen for peace and calm – one colour as we are feeling as one; the three orange circles representing balance and the dots to represent energy surrounding you in this calm. I am currently working on a series of six on ply wood in 25cm x 25cm, all with different yoga poses, all representing calm, strength, inner peace and harmony.  The Calm is the first in this series.

The yoga studio is due to open this week and once the rest of the space is finished I will share the photos so you can see the artwork and the beautiful space that has been created.  Melanie is a fantastic yoga teacher and I have started taking one on one classes with her which I am thoroughly enjoying.  I am quite shy in certain environments, yoga being one of them.  It is wonderful to be gaining confidence so I can really enjoy this practice that is truly calming and energising at the same time.

Golden Yoga opens to the public on Wednesday 21 March, 2012 at 3/1712 Gold Coast Hwy, Burleigh Heads – (Level 1 of the new Globe Building). For more information and a timetable of classes click on link here to go to the Golden Yoga website.  I hope to see you there some time in the future xo

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