Today is the Day :: The Yoga Continues…

22 Mar


Today is the Day.  I wake up every morning and say aloud ‘today is going to be a great day’.  A few years back I made the decision to say this every day. Often it’s quietly spoken and I also make myself smile and be thankful for the things I have and have experienced rather than look at what I am missing out on or not achieving.  Some days are easier of course than others.  I can honestly say, it has helped me through some tough times and reminded me to appreciate my every day.

Balance. That thing so many of us strive for in life, and the one thing that can be so hard to achieve if we don’t simply stop at some stage each day to reflect on the beauty of the world and breathe.  I always find watching birds flying is so good to make you feel balanced.  It can take five minutes, but you will feel a sense of weightlessness – just as the bird looks as it is flying. If things are so busy and I don’t find time for myself to get that balance, I try and take the time to stop and watch the birds – or close my eyes if there are no birds around and imagine, being a bird, flying up high, soaring and feeling the wind in my wings, watching the world below.  It always help and makes me feel like some of the weight has been taken off my shoulders.


Images: (top) Today is the Day :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood / (below) Balance :: 25cm x 25cm :: Acrylic on ply wood – both will be for sale through the Golden Yoga studio – 3/1712 Gold Coast Highway, Burleigh Heads QLD.



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