Tag Archives: moon

Wide Eyed and Willing

5 Oct

Sarah Crawford :: Together We Travel ::30.5m x 41cm : Acrylic on canvas

I remember a time feeling so free, vulnerable yet free.  When I had less but I had so much more.  I remember the sun was always shining.  The ocean was a constant companion.  Music was my inspiration.  Learning in new surroundings, full of wide eyes.  I remember it as the good life.  Days filled with pretty dresses so bright it made me smile. A girl on the verge of a world she knew little about.  It was like a retreat, a dream.  I felt like Little Miss Sunshine, with poetry on my mind and the belief that romance is not dead.  I was reaching for the stars, because I believe we are made to reach for the stars.  And all those little extras that define your style.  Our future.  Love, love LOVE.

I reminded myself each day with a few words from Walt Disney… “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”.

Last Night Living in Byron Bay

4 Nov

Sarah Crawford - This Path - Acrylic on Canvas

Change is such an amazing thing.  So many changes we experience in our every day.  Others not so often.  I now find myself in my last night living in Byron Bay, feeling so alive, ready for the next journey in my life.  Something about moving, about starting new, I find so inspiring.  Somehow it feels like I’m more alive. Don’t get me wrong – I love routine.  But more than anything I dislike what is often referred to as Groundhog Day.  Wake up and do the same thing every day.  Even if the same thing is interesting.  It doesn’t matter how exciting your life is.  If it’s the same every day, I can almost bet I’ll get bored and want change.  I’ve learnt over the years to control that… although not too much!

I was thinking of all my different homes since the beginning of 2009 being that I moved to Byron Bay at the end of January 2009.  So much change.  It started with the Gold Coast and my apartment in Palm Beach which I rented out, then my boyfriend’s apartment for a few weeks then the move to Byron Bay.  First up the spider house in Suffolk Park. Then the amazing new guesthouse I had to myself with the massive pool and amazing rooms .  Followed by the cute white bungalow by the pool.  And lastly the big share house with jacuzzi (never used once!).  6 different homes!  Oh and there was the housesitting/dogsitting!  One more in there just for good measure makes 7!  Thankfully I slowed a little on the moving front – so far 1 this year.  Tomorrow I can take that tally to 2.

New beginnings.  Exciting times ahead.  This path brings light and love… Harmony… I’ll be sure to share the adventures.  xo

The Music Takes Me To My Balance

14 Sep

I can listen to the music and take myself to that place that gives me energy and inspiration.  It drives my soul, my very being to remind me of who I am.  Allowing me to see so clearly what it is I am wanting to express, what I am needing to put forward in my visual creations.  The sounds of the world, such an inspiration.

The harmonica bringing me to this place that grounds me.  Thank you for your beauty, your rawness.  And now I hear the piano, so delicate yet strong.  The sound of your voice so comforting, so nurturing.  The beauty of the music.

And I smile xo


Sarah Crawford - THIS PATH - Acrylic on Canvas :: SOLD ::