Tag Archives: gold coast

Love…Light… Truth or Dare… Fashion… Life… Love…

23 Jul

'Love Light' - Illustration using ink and markers on vintage mixed media collage


Sometimes I just love life so much is it kind of annoying to others… I smile all the time… my life seems like it is floating… no matter how hard it gets… I find joy in everything.  It’s when I feel love bursting from my heart… and I know how ‘airy fairy’ it sounds… but it is how it feels.  I give thanks to all I have.  For even the things that frustrate me most remind me of how alive I am…

And when I feel this way I want to draw pretty dresses and share my thoughts and tell the world how the sun shines bright every day… if you let it… if you can find that few minutes to see the light… your every day will be joy…

'Truth or Dare' - Illustration using ink and markers on vintage mixed media collage

The One That Got Away

17 Jul

The One That Got Away... work in progress

The one that got away.  The series that had a vacation while I went and explored.  Not at all forgotten.  I always like the work in progress, the works that I have put aside for some time, so I can go and explore – to figure out the next step.  And back to you I go… with clear direction, a vision in mind.

I feel so happy lately.  Falling asleep smiling. Feeling like a little girl and a strong woman at the same time.  The perfect balance that makes me happy.

I skip along in a pretty dress and feel the sunshine warm my heart.  I Love my Life xo

Audrey Hepburn – I Believe in Miracles

11 Jul

Sarah Crawford - I Believe in Miracles (Audrey Hepburn) - Acrylic on Canvas

It’s days like today when I feel so strong in my belief in what I want to do and where I want to go.  Who I want to share those times with and laugh with from the heart.  Audrey Hepburn famously said “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”

The happiest and most amazing I feel in life is when I am making people smile and achieve their dreams.  Dreams are like miracles in many ways.  Not everyone believes it is possible to achieve them.  It’s so wonderful when you realise that their is such a thing as miracles – they are all around us – it’s really just whether we can see them, if we are ready to see them, if we want to see them.

Today I feel strong and inspired.  I feel amazingly happy and it is radiating from the soul, from the heart.  I think I saw the dream I am yearning for right in front of me – it’s been there a while, I just saw it clearly for the first time.  It was like a miracle.


Al Pacino | Tony Montana | Scarface

29 Jun

The World Is Yours - Acrylic on Canvas

I could watch Scarface over and over.  And yes, I’m watching it now.  I love the character of Tony Montana, his determination and loyalty.  And his vulnerability. Tony Montana… he reminds me of the world today.  The constant striving for more.

I remember when people were satisfied being happy with simplicity in life.  What I see more and more as my life goes on is people not satisfied with what they have.  The more they have, the more they want.  When a goal is reached there isn’t a feeling of elation that lasts, but rather it fades fast and there is a need for more.

I always remind myself that even if you have all that you could possibly dream you wanted, it doesn’t mean life will be perfect.  Having goals is so important and having dreams and fulfilling them is one of the most beautiful experiences – but enjoying the simplicity in life is spectacular and shouldn’t be forgotten.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying don’t reach for your dreams – far from it.  Just remember to keep the balance.  And love.  Love life and appreciate what you do have, because one day you might have a whole lot more and look back with envy at when you had less.

Michael Jackson Never Can Say Goodbye

22 May

Never Can Say Goodbye - Acrylic on Canvas

I love feeling free and happy, when you just want to skip along and watch the ocean, breath in the fresh air, paint colourful pictures, laugh with your family and friends.  It reminds me of being a child.  I never want to lose that feeling of childhood.  Of innocence and love of life.  When living in the happiness of the moment was all that mattered.

Justin Bieber “Dream and Believe”

21 Apr

Dream and Believe - Acrylic on Canvas

It’s not so much whether you like Justin Bieber’s music or not, (and I do for the record), it’s the message he has that is the most inspiring and the part everyone could take a little or alot of and put it into their every day.  Something I was taught from my parents from a young age and a message they still tell me each day – always believe in yourself.  As they would so often say “there’s no such word as can’t”.  Different words but the same message.  Dream those dreams.  Believe in those dreams.  They can happen.  They do happen. It may not be easy but keep trying.  Don’t give up.  I am sure those who put him down don’t understand the message of hope and kindness.  In all my portraits I try and capture the special message of hope, dreams, passion, achievement… and of love – for life, for family and friends, for each other.  The romance of the world.  It makes me smile to see such a young person with such a positive outlook, sharing a  view I live by – be kind, love life, be passionate and give it all you have.  Here is my portrait of Justin Bieber “Dream and Believe”.

Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Sylvester Stallone

17 Apr

Sometimes I just live in my own world.  The daydreamer world.  My favourite place.  You remind me of a time in my life.  Something that was so special.  You remind me a of a place in my life.  And you remind me of the special people in my life.

New beginnings, forever memories and moments of reflection.  Your words inspired me.  Don’t give up.  Live in the moment. Believe in your dreams. Have peace in your soul.  Have passion in life.  Don’t ever be afraid to show who you are.  Romance is alive.

The series of famous faces.  These are only the beginning.  I paint them so I remember.  And so I will never forget.  xo

You May Say Im A Dreamer - Acrylic & Spraypaint on Canvas

Yo Adrian! - Acrylic & Spraypaint on Canvas

The One You Love - Acrylic on Canvas

We Are Always Watching

5 Apr

We Are Always Watching - Mixed media on paper

Sometimes you feel a little alien. Sometimes you feel like you are being watched.  Every move seems important.  The slightest of moves you feel are so important in the big picture.  I wonder who is watching?  I wonder all the time.  The more I watch the more I wonder.  Have you seen me around?  You might notice my eyes, you can’t forget them.  They draw you in and your mind is taken.

All this time I knew.  Do you see me in the boat?  It goes so fast, so beautiful, so sleek.  I see timber, I see white and above all I see bright, bright blue.  Hair is dark and eyes so big.  Clarity and crispness.  The ocean surrounds.  The ones who helped me to this place are by my side.  We are always watching.  See our eyes?  We see your mind.


Ruby - Markers and ink on paper

You might see me sometime.  My name is Ruby.  I know style.  In the fashionable kind of way.


Tribal Chief Snapper - Ink and markers on paper

I’m pretty sure if you’ve been to Snapper I’ll have seen you.  I’m the Tribal Chief.  Nothing gets past me.


Danger Tallows - Markers and ink on paper

Remember that day you were surfing and a big shadow went under you?  And there was that feeling of dread.  What was down there?  Ever wonder how you didn’t see that shadow again?  My name is Danger Tallows… protector of the waters.


Queen of the Rain - Ink and markers on paper

I know you have all been watching me.  The Queen of the Rain.  There was conflict and it will settle.  I was nearly overthrown.  Order is being restored and life will get back to normal.


Big Eyes - Markers and ink on paper

You don’t need to tell me anything. I already know.  My big eyes read your mind.


I first saw one surfing.  Then I saw them everywhere.

Mi Amor

2 Apr

Mi Amor - Acrylic Paint & Markers on Canvas

How I love all those inspiring moments.  The ones where you have this clarity, an overwhelming clarity, that allows you to see what is in front of you.  And from that point forward you realise.

And at that moment I knew…

I would never meet another like you…

Mi amor xo

The Happy Dogs Make a Happy Life

17 Mar

Trini - Ink, markers, pencil and gouache on paper

One of my earliest memories is hanging out with my dog, Beauty – a Corgy/Kelpie cross.  (I’m guessing the Kelpie was the Dad!)  She was there when I was born and stayed in my life for a long, long time.  I loved having her around.  Loved having the companion I could talk to, who would listen to me constantly talking, didn’t tell me I was wrong, just listened.  She was beautiful, odd looking but beautiful all the same.

Later on, my parents decided to breed dogs and after much discussion we decided on Welsh Springer Spaniels.  I wanted a Beagle but apparently they are too naughty I was told!  So we got a beautiful puppy called Boomer.  We took him to dog shows and he went running and swimming with my Dad when he was training for his triathlons.  He was amazing.  Then came the breeding.  And along came Kirsten.  Of course Boomer and Kirsten fell in love and had puppies… I think it was 11 of them, so many.  And we still had Beauty at this stage.  I remember going out into the backyard and seeing puppies everywhere, Boomer, Kirsten and the odd looking Beauty.  Beauty had a fluffy tail and skinny legs and a rounded middle.  The pups would bite her constantly, hang off the tail.  Chew on her legs.  She must have wondered where the quiet days had gone!

The pups all ended up at their new homes around Australia.  Time passed and then we were left with only Boomer.  So of course we needed a companion for him.  Rex the Kelpie.  By this time we were living on a property with some land and we had sheep.  The idea was for Rex to round up the sheep.  But seeing as we only had 5 sheep, and Rex had no idea what to do, it worked out that the family (being my parents, sister and myself) were the ones rounding up the sheep.  Rex on the other hand was too busy chasing the cats!

A few years later I moved out from home to my own place.  The first thing I wanted to do was get a dog.  After all, that is all I know, I had always had one by my side.  So I did.  The beautiful James Bond.  He was the most amazing dog – mad, but absolutely wonderful.  A cross between a Rhodesian Ridgeback and a Blue Heeler.  Understandable why he was mad.

A year later along came Miss Moneypenny, Penny for short.  Penny was a cross between a Curly Coated Retriever and a German Short Haired Pointer.  Also mad like James but she was completely mad!  Probably the naughtiest dog that ever lived!  Seriously, tell me something naughty a dog has done and i’m pretty sure that it is on her list of adventures she had.  The dog from Marley and me has nothing on her… okay well maybe a little!  Penny and James were the best of friends. And they were my best friends.  Keeping me company, I felt safe with them.  They made me laugh.  They drove me crazy, so naughty at times!  But I loved them.

Much time has passed it’s been such a long time now since I have had a canine companion.  Moving many times in the past 6-8 years.  I’ve been lucky enough to live with some friends who have dogs.  Hunter and Holly the German Short Haired Pointers.  Indiana and Trinity the Alaskan Malamutes (that’s an illustration I did of Trinity at the top of this post).  And been lucky enough to dog sit  Hoover the Beagle and Rusty the Spoodle in Byron Bay.  My parents have always had dogs since I moved away – Sheba and Vic the German Shepherds, Red the Brittany Spaniel and now Toby the Jack Russell.  So I feel I had been lucky.

Now, I would love that companion again but still not settled.  Instead I find it through my friends dogs.  It’s why I love to do my illustrations.  I feel like it’s a way of being part of that wonderful world.  So if you have a dog, please share on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SarahCrawfordArtist it gives me inspiration and makes me smile.

Sarah xo

James Bond - Pencil on paper