Tag Archives: eagle

Fly Like You Are Living Your Dreams

7 Mar

The Bald Eagle - Gouache, ink, pencil and markers on paper

When you’re not learning you feel like you’re drowning & when you are learning you feel like you’re flying.  Sometimes life gets so busy it’s not like you forget to stop to enjoy the moments of beauty, it’s just that sometimes when you stop you are just so tired that you see the beauty just don’t feel the energy it possesses.  Good news is, if you look at the beauty long enough the energy takes hold… I suppose what I’m trying to say is…. I need a holiday!  No expectations, nothing but sunshine, relaxing, taking in the beauty so the energy takes hold.

For now I look at the flamingo for the energy, head held high and so bright.  I love the flamingo.

The Flamingo - Gouache, ink, pencil and markers on paper