Tag Archives: beatles

Bob Dylan, Sylvester Stallone, John Lennon, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, Debbie Harry

12 Jun

Bob Dylan, Sylvester Stallone 'Rocky', John Lennon, Justin Bieber, young Michael Jackson, Debbie Harry 'Blondie"

They pass through my life… and make an impact.  Their words and their actions stick in my mind.  They influence my life.  Sometimes it is through their lyrics, or as simple as what they have worn.  Their hair might have made me take notice, that moment in time where I felt inspired by who they are.  Simple things.  Their determination.  Their strength and belief in oneself and their vulnerability.  The indifference they face, for living their dreams.  The struggle of leading a public life.  Their amazing talent.  Their intriguing faces.  They inspire me.

Bob Dylan, Sylvester Stallone as Rocky, John Lennon, Justin Bieber, a young Michael Jackson and Debbie Harry as we know as Blondie – thank you.


Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Sylvester Stallone

17 Apr

Sometimes I just live in my own world.  The daydreamer world.  My favourite place.  You remind me of a time in my life.  Something that was so special.  You remind me a of a place in my life.  And you remind me of the special people in my life.

New beginnings, forever memories and moments of reflection.  Your words inspired me.  Don’t give up.  Live in the moment. Believe in your dreams. Have peace in your soul.  Have passion in life.  Don’t ever be afraid to show who you are.  Romance is alive.

The series of famous faces.  These are only the beginning.  I paint them so I remember.  And so I will never forget.  xo

You May Say Im A Dreamer - Acrylic & Spraypaint on Canvas

Yo Adrian! - Acrylic & Spraypaint on Canvas

The One You Love - Acrylic on Canvas