Tag Archives: art show

Contemplation at Gainsborough Greens Art Awards

13 Aug

Sarah Crawford with 'Contemplation' painting at the Gainsborough Greens Art Awards Exhibition 2011

I always get so excited when I am going to see my artwork in an exhibition – but then I get completely shy when I have my photo taken next to it!  Today I went out the Gainsborough Greens Art Awards  and Exhibition to see my painting ‘Contemplation’ that was selected for display.  I don’t think I realised just how big the work was (and how many dots were on the canvas!) until I saw this photo!  The winner was announced last night at the official exhibition opening and it is the horse just to the right of my piece (behind my head!) so I’m sure to have lots of viewers over the 5 days of the exhibition with such a great position.  I was at the Miami Marketta with my art stand so couldn’t make it to the opening but was great to be able to see it today – and it was such a beautiful day to visit the Gainsborough Greens development.

If you get the chance and you are on the Gold Coast – there are some great artworks out there – and I got to see some kangaroos so was rather pleased!

Sarah xo

Gainsborough Greens Art Awards 2011

‘Contemplation’ is on display as part of  the
Gainsborough Greens Art Awards and Exhibition
Thursday 11 August to Monday 15 August
10am – 5pm daily
Gainsborough Greens Golf Club
Yawalpa Rd, Pimpama QLD


Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Sylvester Stallone

17 Apr

Sometimes I just live in my own world.  The daydreamer world.  My favourite place.  You remind me of a time in my life.  Something that was so special.  You remind me a of a place in my life.  And you remind me of the special people in my life.

New beginnings, forever memories and moments of reflection.  Your words inspired me.  Don’t give up.  Live in the moment. Believe in your dreams. Have peace in your soul.  Have passion in life.  Don’t ever be afraid to show who you are.  Romance is alive.

The series of famous faces.  These are only the beginning.  I paint them so I remember.  And so I will never forget.  xo

You May Say Im A Dreamer - Acrylic & Spraypaint on Canvas

Yo Adrian! - Acrylic & Spraypaint on Canvas

The One You Love - Acrylic on Canvas

♥ For The Love ♥ Art Show

27 Nov

♥ For The Love ♥ Art Show by Sarah Crawford

I tell you I get so excited leading up to a showing of my artworks!  I start painting all through the night, I can’t sleep, my mind is racing a million miles an hour – and I also get anxious!  I inevitably try something new, then want to do a whole series of those new works, adding to the pressure, and generally forgetting the other works I need to finish.  Until a few days before that it, then I don’t sleep for a few days, wishing I had stayed focused on what I needed to do!  I wouldn’t change it (much!) because it allows me to come up with new ideas.  It would save a few tears I’m sure if I stayed within the boundaries, but where is the creative fun in that?

So what will you see at this show?  Of course there will be nudes, that goes without saying.  And fashion. There will be birds, dogs, maybe some fish.  Some famous faces and those aliens that seem to pop up everywhere.  There is even a special skateboard deck I have painted – a first for me.

My art shows are about sharing the passions in my life.  My passions have come for this show from your passions.  I see and hear you all with that special something or someone that lights up your soul.  Maybe it’s your pet, your dog, your best friend.  When you speak of him you do so with such passion.  He makes your life special.  It might be the music, the clothing – or just the love of the living of life.  But it lights up your life.

If you are on the Gold Coast on Sunday 5 December I would love for you to come along so you can see these artworks inspired by passion.  The show is from 3-6pm at littleBEANS on the Gold Coast Hwy at Nobby Beach.  A special place to me as it was the venue for my 1st ever solo show a few years ago.  And they continue to support me to this day.

The restaurant is open all day and is perfect for a Sunday afternoon drink!  Hope to see you there – You’ll see me doing something that lights up my life.




For the Love of Birds

22 Nov


For the Love of Birds - Markers, ink, guache and pencil on canvas paper
For the Love of Birds – Mixed Media on Canvas Paper

I tell you I love birds!  They are so amazing. Over the years I have spent so much time watching them.  My favourite is watching them fly above the ocean, then dive into the water to catch a fish.  I can watch for hours.  Imagine being the bird, flying through the air, diving into the water… spectacular!

The ocean today looks so alive.  It is a darker blue than it normally is, lots of white peaks… reminds me of growing up and along the Great Ocean Road in Victoria.  I stood on the balcony this morning watching the ocean, one of the luxuries of living so close to the beach and having a view from your home, the birds still diving yet they were being pushed around by the gusts of wind.  It showed such determination.

One of my favourite memories of the ocean was on a stormy day in Lorne many years ago.  It looked so wild – so alive and passionate.  The wind was howling, it was cold, the waves were big, the sea was rough.  I can still smell the ocean from that day, feel the intensity of the storm and the beauty of nature.

Today is Monday – creative day, art day, my day.  I love Mondays!  It allows me to do what I love, completely be myself and be in my daydream world.  Reflect on the world and how lucky I am for all the beautiful experiences and wonders I have been a part of.


don’t forget to visit my website at www.sarahcrawford.com.au for all artworks and details of upcoming exhibitions

Sunday 5 December


littleBeans – Gold Coast Hwy, Nobbys Beach, Gold Coast

Sarah Crawford Art on Display – come and see what I have been creating and of course, I would love to see you there xo

A Moment of Feeling Restless

12 Nov

Sarah Crawford 'Restless' Digital Artwork

New beginnings, back to a place that feels so familiar, yet everything feels so different.  The wonder of change.  You can embrace it and make something so special.  The move has gone well.  The ocean is so close now I find myself feeling much more balanced in my mind, clearer than ever with my creations.  My hours are mostly taken up working for the gallery (not my own gallery for those who asked!), getting closer to the launch date on the Gold Coast.  I take a quick break now to have a coffee, share some thoughts -the beauty of free wi-fi when you order a coffee – when you are yet to organise your internet after a busy move – allows you to share those moments that you might have missed sharing.

So my image here – ‘Restless’ – I did this in a time when I was working for a company that I was not at all suited for. I was so restless – all I dreamed of every day, every waking moment was change.  If I am ever feeling that closed in feeling where I’m not being able to create, being able to be my happy self and share my happiness with others – I look at this image and it reminds me of how, no matter where you are, or how lost you might feel, there is always something exciting, rewarding and amazing around the corner.

The mornings I wake so early, look out the window to see the ocean.  Creating from so early, drawing mostly, framing works, gathering my pieces together.  Something so special about being able to see surfers from your home, in the water, catching the waves… and something so special about hearing the ocean all day, being in the water every day… I know when I am here I am balanced.  And I create my best art.

For all my Gold Coast friends please keep an eye on my page, I have a show coming up soon where you will be able to view my art and meet with me.  I look forward to sharing with you very soon.

Sarah xo