Perception… A Nude… So Simple

20 Aug

Sarah Crawford :: Perception :: Acrylic on Canvas

I love the simplicity of colour blocking and I love black and white and grey.  I love the contrast between solid black and white – and the black dots on the silver in this piece.  It’s like an optical illusion.  From far away it looks solid where the dots are but the closer you get you realise it’s actually quite detailed.  The perception of a simple piece that is in fact quite detailed.

… while you think you have me all figured out – like I am all black and white and a shade of grey…. what you fail to see is the complexity that makes me so special and very unique… you think I am simple and not worthy of you attention… that I am 1+1=2, black + white = grey… when if you actually opened your eyes and came a little closer you would see your perception of me is all wrong… there is so much more than you realise, right in front of you… I only smile at this because I realise that you will see my beauty… but only when it’s once again far away, out of your reach… and you will wonder how you missed seeing that beauty of detail when it was right in front of you…


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