A Moment of Feeling Restless

12 Nov

Sarah Crawford 'Restless' Digital Artwork

New beginnings, back to a place that feels so familiar, yet everything feels so different.  The wonder of change.  You can embrace it and make something so special.  The move has gone well.  The ocean is so close now I find myself feeling much more balanced in my mind, clearer than ever with my creations.  My hours are mostly taken up working for the gallery (not my own gallery for those who asked!), getting closer to the launch date on the Gold Coast.  I take a quick break now to have a coffee, share some thoughts -the beauty of free wi-fi when you order a coffee – when you are yet to organise your internet after a busy move – allows you to share those moments that you might have missed sharing.

So my image here – ‘Restless’ – I did this in a time when I was working for a company that I was not at all suited for. I was so restless – all I dreamed of every day, every waking moment was change.  If I am ever feeling that closed in feeling where I’m not being able to create, being able to be my happy self and share my happiness with others – I look at this image and it reminds me of how, no matter where you are, or how lost you might feel, there is always something exciting, rewarding and amazing around the corner.

The mornings I wake so early, look out the window to see the ocean.  Creating from so early, drawing mostly, framing works, gathering my pieces together.  Something so special about being able to see surfers from your home, in the water, catching the waves… and something so special about hearing the ocean all day, being in the water every day… I know when I am here I am balanced.  And I create my best art.

For all my Gold Coast friends please keep an eye on my page, I have a show coming up soon where you will be able to view my art and meet with me.  I look forward to sharing with you very soon.

Sarah xo

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