Tag Archives: dave grohl

All My Life

31 Aug

Sarah Crawford :: All My Life (Dave Grohl) :: Acrylic & spraypaint on canvas


I always wondered where you were heading.  Where your talent would take you, and how far you would go.  All that I wanted had engulfed my life, suspended my freedom for it had me by the neck, had taken my ability to see clearly.  The fear somehow pushed the need and the need helped me see clearly.  A vicious circle that was being forced and causing confusion and anxiety alongside building strength and determination never before felt.  Searching for the light, the steady rocks moving and falling from under my feet.  The only option to fly, alone, and feel the weight lift, floating along, a watchful eye over the world.  Trust and faith my wings would stay strong, keep me so high, away from the dangers.  I feel the air passing by, the drops of rain touch my skin and I feel so alive.  I have no regrets only thanks for the opportunity to have learnt lessons in life.  Lessons that build strength in my wings and allow me to fly.  For when you fly and float along in the breeze you have time to see the beauty of life.  To find passion in life.  To live life. To love.